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Time has passed

Tema en 'Prosa: Torre de Babel de Prosa' comenzado por Flor de agosto, 24 de Noviembre de 2019. Respuestas: 4 | Visitas: 690

  1. Flor de agosto

    Flor de agosto Poeta que considera el portal su segunda casa

    Se incorporó:
    24 de Mayo de 2009
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Im like a child that has been a child forever. Not so pleasant to wake up from childish dreams and understand I’ve spent all this time sleeping.

    The joy of the mind... an illusion. My body woke up first all messed up and in pain. It matters not to the laws of the universe. The world is still in motion. Like Rip Van Winkle the time has passed. Aware of nothing but my dreams.
    A Ulpiano le gusta esto.
  2. Ulpiano

    Ulpiano Obrero de la Poesía

    Se incorporó:
    11 de Enero de 2017
    Me gusta recibidos:

    Dear poet and friend "Flor de agosto",
    I congratulate you for this beautiful composition that you share with us in this poetic forum. I admire your philosophy and your depth of thought. Who could always be a child and, although time passes, can be aware of nothing but our dreams?

    As you know, in this portal there is a special forum for poetic prose in foreign languages: http://www.mundopoesia.com/foros/foro/prosa-torre-de-babel-de-prosa.167/
    If you wish, there, these lyrical dreams of yours could also shine with their own light.

    With my applause, a big and fraternal hug,

  3. Flor de agosto

    Flor de agosto Poeta que considera el portal su segunda casa

    Se incorporó:
    24 de Mayo de 2009
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Thank you for your comments!! Also for the advice... I keep forgetting to submit it on the proper portal!! I appreciate it!
  4. neverland... refuse to grow up
    nice going my summer flower...
    are U in the states?
    Última modificación por un moderador: 25 de Noviembre de 2019
  5. Guadalupe Cisneros-Villa

    Guadalupe Cisneros-Villa Dallas, Texas y Monterrey NL México

    Se incorporó:
    8 de Octubre de 2007
    Me gusta recibidos:
    I too never want to grow up, but no so much in body as in mind and intentions...
    A wonderful prose, have a wonderful day

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