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Crashed Cars 10/11/13

Tema en 'Prosa: Torre de Babel de Prosa' comenzado por RMBV, 20 de Mayo de 2014. Respuestas: 0 | Visitas: 1272

  1. RMBV

    RMBV Poeta recién llegado

    Se incorporó:
    30 de Mayo de 2008
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Crashed cars / Completely out of sight / Life spinning through cold eyelids / …What’s going on? / Am I careful? / I’m not!? / Looking that hair slowly blowed by the air… / Contemplating that pink dress standing at the highway / Pictures, metal, memories & glasses floating around my already broken soul… / Filled of this soundtrack composed with iron, noise & distant horns / Slow motion catharsis like liquid inside your veins / The absence of shared laughs makes a hole in my skin / I still care… If… / You were there / For seconds fading away / Saying goodbye to your pink high heels above me / Extract the last drop of memories / Hit the walls / Hit the rooftop / Echoes from nowhere… / My demons & bodies are out of the closet / But not your things, not your gifts, not our memoirs / Tell that you care / Why it’s still here? / Upside down or not the feeling its inside / While standing, while spinning, everything stills alive / Doesn’t matter the speed or which coloursight you would see it / You were there / The thin light crossing the dawn mist / Sometimes I still smell rust & often I still catch your aroma / Make it stop / Let me spin in my bed / Remove rocks, mud & covered it with orange roses / We’ll shared the reed’s essence while erasing my droned shouts / Hold tight cause I’m still holding your waist / I will carry you on my back while your shoes in my hands / Broken windows took you away from my sight / Watching the floor like I used to watch the sky / my feet don’t touch the ground / My heart does next to the oil & lost cigarettes / …In our behalf / …Disappear / Fade away… / Or kill with the first kiss / Gone / Taken / Gone… / Let me go back inside of that car instead /

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