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...just a brief discovery today.

Tema en 'Prosa: Torre de Babel de Prosa' comenzado por Guerrion, 6 de Abril de 2017. Respuestas: 0 | Visitas: 698

  1. Guerrion

    Guerrion Poeta que considera el portal su segunda casa

    Se incorporó:
    7 de Febrero de 2017
    Me gusta recibidos:
    As long as decades can be,
    when I was a kid these long years didn’t fit me
    or just weren’t built kid’s size.

    I don’t know if have been faraway or at home,
    waiting my entire life to start being my own, but,
    I wish I knew where from or how words come to us,.

    ...now, here I am,
    playing with words.

    My god.!
    she’s everything I haven’t found on words yet,
    she’s happy, friendly and beautiful,
    outside and into her life that cheers me up.

    She grows
    my morning sun, my prose,
    she’s what I reflect about
    today, tomorrow and sometime in the future…

    ...just a brief discovery today.

    Fidel Guerra.
    Abril, 2017.
    Última modificación: 6 de Abril de 2017

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