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no move

Tema en 'Prosa: Torre de Babel de Prosa' comenzado por RMBV, 29 de Abril de 2012. Respuestas: 3 | Visitas: 2155

  1. RMBV

    RMBV Poeta recién llegado

    Se incorporó:
    30 de Mayo de 2008
    Me gusta recibidos:
    (Blink) / It’s like when you’re feeling down / no move / heavy lids that deny to open wide / missing something that you don’t remember / you head it’s a mess / memories colliding / and you get high as a way out / avoid sunlight / running away without stops / days come and go and you’re still the same / fade away with the smoke / blow away in every soft pain / everything it’s dead or just a piece of shit / collapse from way high onto the sky / remain loveless / minutes feeling like days / standing in the cold carrying an odd faithful wish / with nothing left / empty – lonely – stoned – with a silly smile –falling apart / no more stars to watch / a trip of a lifetime / the past that covers you inside out / unseen images stocked in my mind / no audio for sentimental purposes / all it’s gone even though I could touch it right now / nothing it’s mine / nothing I have / feeling dizzy when you close your eyes for a moment / what’s going on? / where am i? / corrosive / chairs floating in the air / some people still on theirs / they salute with a coffee cup / talking loud / hopefully they could understand / nobody remember what I just said / ask again / like weed in between buildings / completely forgotten / believe in what you lie / bite the hook / rise above with me / keep tide / keep rotted / take it from a different side / your words and letters will be important stuff after your death / they’ll realize that you were a thing / you were a number / were…. / it won’t let you out / remain in silence while you’re breathing / they’ll read you soon / listen your own voice inside you / what do you want? / I don’t know / am I lost it? or I never found it? / involuntary secrets that you don’t create / secrets crawling looking for the light’s sewer / blink / take it from your insides / tender / don’t stay / escape / look back so you’ll run faster / acid tapes being played in your forehead / sharp notes smashing squeezing your brain / distorted voices talking white noise / things that you never put on your eyes / but they are there / your vision being corrupted by glitch sequences / walls built with sadness / I will never forget / undelivered messages dropping from the sky / no reason to open them / just more bunch of crap and fucking lies / jumping trying to reach a chair / nobody cares / no one helps / they just watch a human form trying to escape from here / are you going to be there? / probably you only need to change the channel or close the electric window / curtains down and performing anyway / your eyes would feel the actress moving beneath / it’s calling with her moves / feel her each time she blinks / head down when you don’t feel her anymore / her blinks inside you / letting you walk or not / common feelings / common senses / common words / all in a blink of an eye / let yourself down / worthless sounds / murmuring truth / spit the colours from your mouth to the wall / from the wall to the memories / from the memories to your tired eyes / lids that never share the beauty of these crashed eyes / reborn and die / flames will take everything / don’t be afraid / take my hand / will jump together to the bottom / blink (if you want) / from the underground to my lungs / completely gone / with nothing left to say / here and there / smiling to everybody / rescue me / softly traps that you want to stick your mouth on them / they’re calling /​
  2. donatien

    donatien Invitado

    Is this some sort of song? Why the amount of slashes? Its tricky to read it like this.
  3. RMBV

    RMBV Poeta recién llegado

    Se incorporó:
    30 de Mayo de 2008
    Me gusta recibidos:
    hehe looks like a song but its not, but thnks for the idea lol / slashes because what i just think i write it down without editing or adding stuff / sequences of random thoughts that tells something also creates an abstract ambient / i cannot explain it at all / but now you know / thnks for reading
    Última modificación: 15 de Julio de 2012
  4. ROSA

    ROSA Invitado

    Why write so special? Do not you think it would read better if you do it more easily? anyway thanks for letting us your letras.Saludos

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