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Human Kind version 2019.3

Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por Carlos.Omar, 3 de Febrero de 2019. Respuestas: 1 | Visitas: 442

  1. Carlos.Omar

    Carlos.Omar Poeta recién llegado

    Se incorporó:
    30 de Septiembre de 2018
    Me gusta recibidos:

    Human Kind version 2019.3

    Time is building up hollow men and women
    It’s using the media to code and program humans
    and time always finds a way to multiplicate them,
    each version hollower than the previous one.

    The hollows come with labels and instructions
    So, they eastly integrate into an artificial society
    they are taught how to feel and display emotions
    and all are given a role to play.

    The hollows are programmed to follow the masses
    they have no need to understand or to chase the truth
    It is coded inside of them to share the media’s opinion
    To the dominating system they will always show submission.

    The hollows depend on the numbers of likes
    on his or her’s social network profiles,
    their lack of will leads to blinding neglect on their life
    On their health, family, and love
    Just for one miniscule like.

    Inside of this I coded a secret backdoor
    If you find it, you can escape,
    So wake up, hurry up, and unplug yourself.
    Don’t you want to stop being hollow?
    Don’t you want more?
    A MARIANNE y AlanS les gusta esto.
  2. AlanS

    AlanS Poeta recién llegado

    Se incorporó:
    9 de Febrero de 2019
    Me gusta recibidos:
    We are the hollow men. We have been programmed to submit. But there is a way out.

    "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit" (Zechariah 4:6)

    The Spirit will come and make all things new and fill people with joy.

    We are all plugged into the holographic universe, so we don't need to be plugged into anything else.

    These are just some thoughts that your thought-provoking poem has drawn out of me.

    See you on the other side... of the screen world.

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