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Biblical history

Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por danie, 25 de Noviembre de 2017. Respuestas: 7 | Visitas: 715

  1. danie

    danie solo un pensamiento...

    Se incorporó:
    6 de Mayo de 2013
    Me gusta recibidos:
    She is the damn one,
    the Eva who gave you the apple.
    The one that gave birth
    to children condemning them to bend their backs
    under the sun of the earth.
    The one who kissed you and betrayed you.

    But you…
    You are even worse in history,
    well, you always washed your hands.
    A Negaraliss9., Guerrion y homo-adictus les gusta esto.
  2. homo-adictus

    homo-adictus x __ x

    Se incorporó:
    27 de Marzo de 2015
    Me gusta recibidos:
    como Pilatos??? Es pecado de omisión??? jjj Buenos versos Danie
    A danie le gusta esto.
  3. danie

    danie solo un pensamiento...

    Se incorporó:
    6 de Mayo de 2013
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Obvio... El hombre es como el cirujano: toca los órganos y después se lava las manos. (chiste malo/ se me ocurrió de momento... jajaja)
    Un abrazo amigo.
    A homo-adictus le gusta esto.
  4. Correction.. . Her name was Eve...and yet
    she did that indeed. Demn Us all.
  5. Guerrion

    Guerrion Poeta que considera el portal su segunda casa

    Se incorporó:
    7 de Febrero de 2017
    Me gusta recibidos:
    what a great poem, I enjoy it. Indeed, there is wisdom in it;
    washing your hands would really help you down the road.

    Just like you, I like my English ramblings but
    to be honest, I never really thought much about them,
    I just knew English has been part of who I am,
    even, if I was born in Mexico.

    As a young man
    I found this language to be horribly ugly then;
    now, I find it to be indescribably beautiful
    as the one I was born with.

    I guess If I now live here and
    I depend on this land to provide for my needs,
    then, this joy makes me want to occupy my mind
    into some English thoughts, shape some ideas and
    make out of them some words.

    The downside, though, is writing in English
    doesn’t make me feel like a poetic man,
    but a natural one with long hair,( grrrr ) older as each paragraph grows
    and crazier as the moment turns into hours and many beers.

    alegres saludos.

    Última modificación: 28 de Noviembre de 2017
    A danie le gusta esto.
  6. danie

    danie solo un pensamiento...

    Se incorporó:
    6 de Mayo de 2013
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Los versos finales del poema encajan perfectos a tu comentario…

    “But you…
    You are even worse in history,
    well, you always washed your hands.”

    Therefore, I do not know what correction you are talking about.

    A Gustavo Cervantes le gusta esto.
  7. I meant "eve" instead of eva... thats it, no swet tho
    A danie le gusta esto.
  8. Negaraliss9.

    Negaraliss9. Poeta recién llegado

    Se incorporó:
    30 de Mayo de 2017
    Me gusta recibidos:
    I deem Lilith(Lilitu) gather more spectrum of misery than Eve.As always the semites gaming and driving over the reputation of ancient womens.Indeed the tale of Adam and Eve cames from the sumerian civilization culture.I say Enki enjoyed from life on earth,so we can say that the first sinner is god or one of them.Great poem Dani.Regards at distance.

    A danie le gusta esto.

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