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broken inspiration

Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por Guerrion, 21 de Junio de 2023. Respuestas: 0 | Visitas: 248

  1. Guerrion

    Guerrion Poeta que considera el portal su segunda casa

    Se incorporó:
    7 de Febrero de 2017
    Me gusta recibidos:
    It's not always easy to inspire
    in a language other than the one
    that nature has given you, possibly
    since eternity or the Almighty’s birthday.

    But tears don't feel the same;
    instead, they are separated and
    saltless, so I may drink them, but
    they do not go well with beer. I believe these
    are the supposedly "crocodile" or "actor" tears.

    Regardless, I don't feel
    any more or less inspired
    because of these dollar words.

    I am mindful that I am not the same person
    I once was, nor do I have empty pockets, but
    I’m loyal to the place of my first poetry, tu pinches you, dear!

    Fidel Guerra. June 20, 2023. Oregon.
    A silveriddragon le gusta esto.

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