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Denis' Story.

Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por pamezurita, 18 de Noviembre de 2014. Respuestas: 0 | Visitas: 2262

  1. pamezurita

    pamezurita Poeta recién llegado

    Se incorporó:
    16 de Octubre de 2014
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Debo advertir que este era un trabajo para el instituto de inglés donde estudio. Es simple y no posee demasiado de mi estilo.
    Más de mis creaciones las pueden encontrar en
    Denis wanted to earn some money during the school holidays so he asked his uncle for a job. But his uncle didn’t have any job to offer: the label, where he worked, was full of workers. There was no need of someone else.
    So he decided he would do what he liked to do the most: playing the guitar. And not in a common place. He was going to play his favorite instrument on a bus. “And I’ll play funny songs for making people laugh.. And I won’t have a boos!”
    In fact, Denis was a really funny person, the kind of person you remember because of his jokes at classes and makes even teachers laugh.
    He practiced at the mirror making his best faces for bus drivers let him get on the bus. Once he felt confident of his movements he took his guitar and started. He took Penco’s region, for very good reasons: there was his home, and he haven’t seen street players around there.
    The first day, only two drivers let them get on the bus. He was downhearted, but he knew it was time’s thing. It was going to be hard. Nevertheless, with the time, drivers knew them, and had a nice time laughing with his musical jokes. Besides, he wasn’t a bad singer, so taking advantage of such a flattering feature, in a few times he sang Beatles’ songs.
    He didn’t earn a lot of money, but he loved hearing people’s laugh, or sometimes humming Beatles’ songs. He felt happy about the job, and proud of himself.
    One day, a very refined person talked to him, he thought he wanted to ask him for a street or something similar.
    -I have seen your videos on youtube and I’ve been walking and taking buses on Penco trying to find you.
    Denis was shocked. When he’s shocked he makes an inquisitive look and a stupid smile. So, that was his face in that moment.
    -You must be confused, sir. I’m not a youtuber.
    -I’m sure that’s you-Said the fancy man, and showed a video of him playing and making people laugh on his phone. Denis stressed his shocked face a little bit more.- There are more videos of you. The fact you don’t know them surprise me.-Said with a sophisticaed and giggly accent for him.
    So, the man told Denis he was a TV producer, and wanted him to go to his program to show his gift: making people laugh. He told his mom, and she laugh really a lot, and he didn’t even told her with a guitar or in a humorous manner. “Spending time on busses makes your brain developing imagination way too much, Denis”. He ignored that mom’s comment and told her and his uncle to see the 22 channel, at eleven o’clock.
    He felt really nervous, but he told himself he had to be confident as the first day. He wasn’t loosing anything with showing what he did all days.
    After that presentation, he became a little more famous. Some other TV programs invited him to their shows. That happened fifteen years ago. Now, on February of 2029 he’s going to present his new shows at Festival de Viña’s event. Her mom says she always supported him, and his uncle feels happy he didn’t give him work.

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