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from my chair

Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por Gustavo Cervantes, 22 de Marzo de 2021. Respuestas: 16 | Visitas: 811

  1. It was easy to seat here and let my mind wander in your words
    those that you easily put together to make-believe... not just me,
    but all... Oh, dear. You are good... You are very good... I swear.
    Today I have to understand that was impossible to commit.

    I drew a card. I put my fate in your lies...I silenced my thoughts
    because I wanted to walk the line and leave a mark... Oh god!
    I prayed, I raised my arms, and I screamed for destiny to come,
    let it thunder, let it rain...let redemption without pain.

    *Because I had decided to stay put for better or for worse,
    and make a bed to lay on, thinking the worse wouldn't soar,
    or else to make the bad bearable numb... knowing all along,
    we will not be able to make them better or even make them go.

    Instead, we made worse be the norm, not the fall, only God knows.
    In my loneliness, I blinded my reason to let love be, so we can see,
    life as the life we per-sieve, a utopian dream... a romantic sin.
    And enjoy the fantasy of a divine hand place on us... an oneiric trip.

    Now at the stroke of sighs and pure teardrops... I admit,
    we could of make possible the impossible... by desire
    but sadly ... the possible we were not able to achieve.

    I'm sorry... I must leave.
    Última modificación por un moderador: 5 de Junio de 2022
  2. Oona

    Oona Poeta recién llegado

    Se incorporó:
    3 de Diciembre de 2020
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Omaigá! :eek:
    A Gustavo Cervantes le gusta esto.
  3. Maramin

    Maramin Moderador Global Miembro del Equipo Moderador Global Corrector/a

    Se incorporó:
    19 de Febrero de 2008
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Bueno, he usado el traductor y he podido ver que es un poema melancólico en el que no se consigue realizar el sueño de obtener el amor deseado.

    A Gustavo Cervantes le gusta esto.
  4. amen
    A Oona le gusta esto.
  5. algo asi... no era imposible... solamente ya no quiso seguir.
  6. Guadalupe Cisneros-Villa

    Guadalupe Cisneros-Villa Dallas, Texas y Monterrey NL México

    Se incorporó:
    8 de Octubre de 2007
    Me gusta recibidos:
    You are right my dear friend it is not impossible, we can make things happen if we want to, it is that sometimes it is so tedious and demanding when love is one way. you get to the point that it's not worth the head-heart ache and you need to get up and go. I love reading you like this, so free...Love it.

    A Gustavo Cervantes le gusta esto.
  7. Antonio Cuello

    Antonio Cuello Poeta que considera el portal su segunda casa

    Se incorporó:
    8 de Septiembre de 2017
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Very nice... Al final como casi siempre, cuando algo no funciona, abandonamos el lugar
    Saludos, poeta
    A Gustavo Cervantes le gusta esto.
  8. Maria Jose Palacios

    Maria Jose Palacios Poeta fiel al portal

    Se incorporó:
    19 de Febrero de 2021
    Me gusta recibidos:
    And just put for better or for worse, and try once and again, you tried my friend, your heart tried and of course its wise to leave than died in silence. Great poem Gustavo I enjoyed reading it also you tought me good phrases. Thanks.
    A Gustavo Cervantes le gusta esto.
  9. Thanks Lupita... love and pain... as always.
  10. is not that easy tho... she cry so good, oh yeah... she is good.
  11. well, Thank you María... You are very sweet.
  12. Anamer

    Anamer Poeta veterano en el portal Equipo Revista "Eco y latido"

    Se incorporó:
    3 de Abril de 2017
    Me gusta recibidos:
    The impossible cannot always be achieved, especially if we do not really
    intend to achieve it. Love can be very easy or very difficult, it seems that
    this time they just gave up. I really liked the poem, an excellent reflection
    that occurs from the comfort of your chair and the silence that precedes
    the last decision that does not always guarantee to be the best.
    Kisses on your cheeks
    A Gustavo Cervantes le gusta esto.
  13. Gustavo Cavicchia

    Gustavo Cavicchia Gus

    Se incorporó:
    26 de Mayo de 2007
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Ya sabe lo que pienso. Usted es culpable. Se lo merece. Piense en eso. Mucho. No voy a cambiar de opinión.
    A Gustavo Cervantes le gusta esto.
  14. Gustavo Cavicchia

    Gustavo Cavicchia Gus

    Se incorporó:
    26 de Mayo de 2007
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Cuidado sabemos usar google
    A Gustavo Cervantes le gusta esto.
  15. algunas mujeres son bien buenas para enredarme y yo caigo en el laberinto de sus palabras y en lo profundo de sus miradas
    y cuando parpadean me escapo...

    Gracias Gus, por venir a echarle sal a la herida...
    A Gustavo Cavicchia le gusta esto.
  16. Gustavo Cavicchia

    Gustavo Cavicchia Gus

    Se incorporó:
    26 de Mayo de 2007
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Oh de nada. Un placer
    A Gustavo Cervantes le gusta esto.
  17. sometimes is better just go away and get disconnected. I deleted her name and her number...
    A Anamer le gusta esto.

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