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Godless Statement

Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por Negaraliss9., 29 de Abril de 2018. Respuestas: 0 | Visitas: 505

  1. Negaraliss9.

    Negaraliss9. Poeta recién llegado

    Se incorporó:
    30 de Mayo de 2017
    Me gusta recibidos:
    An endeavour of godless liberation,

    to behold at the parish expectation,

    creating poisoned lands for whom,

    with woe are walking on gloom,

    to expand pestilences from the moon,

    to adore the deity of the doom.

    An inner crave to be unchained,

    by the lord of the rage, disdained,

    perhaps through life the saviours

    can't find cleansed behaviours,

    exterminating savants at womb,

    to adore the deity of the doom.

    Shall mighty and eternally thou prevail?

    Unto thee, the idiots can win the veil,

    over they eye to not see or understand,

    the mortals for you shalt always stand,

    executing other gods to tame the lamb,

    to adore the deity of the doom.


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