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i wont erase your face

Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por ashlee, 7 de Enero de 2006. Respuestas: 1 | Visitas: 1089

  1. ashlee

    ashlee Poeta recién llegado

    Se incorporó:
    2 de Enero de 2006
    Me gusta recibidos:
    i´m here sitting again
    on this math class i hate
    thinking on what you life have made

    my belt is breaking up
    and my hair is just a mess
    i can´t even send you home

    Walking back home
    make up the way
    tell me your secrets
    Swimming to the history that will began
    but this 5 minutes left
    i won´t erase your face

    reading a magazine
    chewing that purple gum
    the time is so slow, so far away

    my bag smells like heal
    he kicks up my back
    someone shout my nickname

    Walking back home
    mark up the way
    tell me your secrets
    Swimming to the history that will began
    but this 5 minutes left
    i won´t erase your face
  2. poroeta

    poroeta Poeta que considera el portal su segunda casa

    Se incorporó:
    1 de Noviembre de 2005
    Me gusta recibidos:
    I like the ring of melancoly it has in its verses, maybe is deeper than i can perceive, maybe not, but i sure wish it did  :D, good reading, i liked it, greetings.

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