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Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por Oscar Enamorado, 30 de Octubre de 2015. Respuestas: 0 | Visitas: 695

  1. Oscar Enamorado

    Oscar Enamorado Poeta recién llegado

    Se incorporó:
    23 de Marzo de 2010
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Here I go again
    seventh Monday in a row
    half asleep half drunk
    crashing the hallway walls,
    I feel not only stupid
    but ashamed
    for making this my only escape
    since I’m in jail

    I’m hearing voices again
    one sounds like my own
    they’re keep on whispering
    the exact same phrase
    and I’m starting to believe it
    not because it is true
    is that no one tells me it’s not

    my memory is getting filled
    with nothing but replays
    different actors
    performing the same play
    what do they want?
    why are they following me?
    predictable characters
    singing the usual song
    my mantra.

    Última modificación: 8 de Marzo de 2024

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