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poem that makes you hungry

Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por Guerrion, 31 de Mayo de 2023. Respuestas: 2 | Visitas: 282

  1. Guerrion

    Guerrion Poeta que considera el portal su segunda casa

    Se incorporó:
    7 de Febrero de 2017
    Me gusta recibidos:
    I really hope this writing
    is worth every penny and
    beer sip I worked for. Oh, another
    beautiful day in Oregon and it seems
    to be getting better or sinking in more deeply.

    The best time is
    when I can sit here or there,
    away from the harsh sun's glare,
    listen to birds, and watch the world
    go by while thinking of a cheeseburger.

    However, not just any burger
    or one from McDonald's, but one
    that enhances your experience and
    understanding of the good old days,
    when chemicals were not part of the cow’s
    diet and were fed grass, raised with affection
    and live happy country music. From the first bite
    to the last, a delicious burger was a delicious result.

    Fidel Guerra. May 30, 2023.
  2. luna roja

    luna roja Poeta que considera el portal su segunda casa

    Se incorporó:
    5 de Enero de 2015
    Me gusta recibidos:
    oh si, me dio hambre:D
    A Guerrion le gusta esto.
  3. Guerrion

    Guerrion Poeta que considera el portal su segunda casa

    Se incorporó:
    7 de Febrero de 2017
    Me gusta recibidos:
    estoy feliz de anunciar que tu comentario me hace feliz
    and I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge
    the extraordinary influence that your poetry and you have made on me.
    Y bueno, ese día lindo de caminata, and really pretty views, me dio mucha hambre.
    I know you know the feeling, that food bars, las nueces y el agua simplemente no son suficientes
    para mitigar el hambre en las colinas. For this reason, I included the cheeseburger as a poem because
    being hungry is a normal human issue.

    Mi muy Miss querida Luna Roja,
    gracias por la huella, y pues, antes de escribir esa palabra que sé
    que la sospechas en tu corazón y ya está en tus labios…con todo respeto.
    No sigo porque estoy en la chamba, pero please take care.

    Fidel Guerra.

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