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    !!!Te va a encantar, no te la pierdas!!!

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Rest in power.

Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por Ad Libitum, 18 de Junio de 2016. Respuestas: 1 | Visitas: 411

  1. Ad Libitum

    Ad Libitum Poeta recién llegado

    Se incorporó:
    13 de Octubre de 2015
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Tonight the insomnia set on fire all my room,
    my bed was a hard rock
    and I learnt that my eyes
    are just two massive bullets
    that once upon a time
    somebody shot on me
    so I could feel all over and over again
    all the pain of the world
    trespassing my skull.

    Tonight my jaws shivered
    until my bones were dust,
    there was a frozen wind
    here, underneath my covers
    and a huge ball of fear
    crashed right into my chest
    in an open war wound
    that has been, since,
    bleeding my soul to death.

    Around 02.00 a.m. all my clocks stopped,
    i went out of the house, walking towards the forest
    looking there for some silence,
    but my brain had been filled
    with neverending shots,
    and i felt my lungs drowning
    in a foreign language,
    just as if all my blood
    was now pumping somewhere
    miles away from this forest.

    Tonight I woke up jumping.
    01.45, late night.
    I didn't know what happened.
    I knew about it this morning.
    50 killed. 53 injured.
    Tomorrow i'll go to school.
    There won't be any mourning.

    Meanwhile, here, in Peru,
    in the city where 12 evenings ago
    another hate crime took away
    our Zuleimy's life,
    Fujimori supporters are celebrating
    our tears.

    Today the distance is blocking me from hugging
    my beloved ones with the fire in my hands
    of knowing, as we've always known,
    but maybe today slighty more than ever,
    that any of those caresses could be,
    at any time,
    the last and final one.

    Today the distance hurts as a gunfire.
    All the death bodies that i'll never meet feel just like family.

    Loving should never mean risking your whole life daily.

    Living away from fear
    shouldn't be
    a utopia.
    A DarkButterfly y homo-adictus les gusta esto.
  2. DarkButterfly

    DarkButterfly Poeta fiel al portal

    Se incorporó:
    24 de Junio de 2015
    Me gusta recibidos:
    "Vivir sin miedo no debería ser una utopía". No debería, triste verdad. Gracias por regalarnos tan bella poesía, que en el mejor de los sentidos, me ha partido el corazón. Un muy fuerte abrazo :)

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