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Road 666

Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por Anne_, 27 de Mayo de 2017. Respuestas: 2 | Visitas: 463

  1. Anne_

    Anne_ I killed Bukowski.

    Se incorporó:
    21 de Julio de 2014
    Me gusta recibidos:
    I stood in the dust, full of dust,
    broken jeans and dirty blouse,
    I tried to open my eyes,
    but I only saw the dust
    Of a city made of dust.
    Hey ma, have you seen the nigers work?
    They sing, as if death were sweet,
    I think everyone wants death to be sweet.
    I'm not a good woman, strange boy,
    I cannot love you, nor promise not to kill you.
    When I was a child I blew the flowers,
    Now the wind blows me away, and I am not a flower.
    Well, complaining does not prevent you
    from complaining again,
    And you always must sleep at the end of the day,
    or sleeping for the end.
    Hey ma, the neighbor brought cupcakes,
    sings, as if death were sweet
    I think everyone wants death to be sweet.
    There's no good woman in me, cute boy,
    I cannot love you, nor promise not to kill you.
    You tell me this, you tell me that, people are going
    because staying is sad,
    Do what you do, say what you say,
    we sing, and the death is not sweet.
    I'm not a good woman,
    There's no good woman in me, cute boy,
    I'm not saying I'm going to kill you, kiss me,
    but it does not mean I'm going to love you.​
    A Negaraliss9. y Ulpiano les gusta esto.
  2. Ulpiano

    Ulpiano Obrero de la Poesía

    Se incorporó:
    11 de Enero de 2017
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Dear Valery,

    You say in your poem among so many things, despite the dust you could only see:
    "There is no good woman in me"; well, I do not believe that, but I am sure that you
    are an excellent poet and master the English language lyrically. I congratulate you
    on this masterpiece.

    With my applause, a great and fraternal embrace,

    A Anne_ le gusta esto.
  3. Anne_

    Anne_ I killed Bukowski.

    Se incorporó:
    21 de Julio de 2014
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Descuide, no hay necesidad de comentar en inglich, jajaja,

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