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Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por kairosclerosis, 8 de Septiembre de 2023. Respuestas: 0 | Visitas: 178

  1. kairosclerosis

    kairosclerosis Poeta recién llegado

    Se incorporó:
    14 de Junio de 2022
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Learning to appreciate the sunrise was a gift

    There’s something about the calm, the privacy, the intimacy, the intrigue

    The quiet one, because there’s no need to be loud, people are still sleeping

    The first light of the day

    The company of the few birds singing for the new day that has arrived

    The people watching with a hot cup of coffee in their hands, or maybe the yellow sand in their feet

    I truly love sunsets, don’t get me wrong

    To see the magic of the one before the darkness shows up, that feels nostalgic even before it ends

    They’re beautiful, they’re mesmerizing, they feel ephemeral, they were my favorite

    But once I saw the sunrise

    I had to do an effort to see it everyday, and everyday it worth it

    To see the magic of the first light after the darkness

    To understand that I need them both​
    A Crysol y ERIS. les gusta esto.

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