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Walk with me

Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por silveriddragon, 27 de Junio de 2023. Respuestas: 3 | Visitas: 331

  1. silveriddragon

    silveriddragon Poeta fiel al portal

    Se incorporó:
    26 de Mayo de 2014
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Walk with me
    into the darkness
    walk with me
    in total silence
    and beneath all hope
    then say your prayers
    to our Lord.

    Not with fear
    but with all your love
    dance between thunders
    while light fades
    into the core
    of your entire world.

    All of the blessings
    all of the wounds
    in the dreams
    what are written over stones
    and you are thinking
    there is a God
    who you don't know
    because you haven't heard
    his (her) precious voice.

    Walk with me
    through ancient kingdoms
    walk with me
    like we were heroes
    don't guess our mission
    take my hand
    forget the goal
    in the river of time
    a wave have crash us down

    Look my eyes
    sometimes my dear
    there is no path
    we do it only
    with our feet
    walk with me
    so close to me
    all is possible
    while we are in love.
    A ERIS., El nick y Maramin les gusta esto.
  2. El nick

    El nick Poeta asiduo al portal

    Se incorporó:
    27 de Junio de 2023
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Sometimes walking among the clouds is the tangible. Feliz versar silverddragon
    A silveriddragon le gusta esto.
  3. silveriddragon

    silveriddragon Poeta fiel al portal

    Se incorporó:
    26 de Mayo de 2014
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Muchas gracias amigo poeta. Walking among the clouds and beyond XD

    Un saludo cordial
    A El nick le gusta esto.
  4. El nick

    El nick Poeta asiduo al portal

    Se incorporó:
    27 de Junio de 2023
    Me gusta recibidos:
    De nada amigo poeta.
    A silveriddragon le gusta esto.

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