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You come with sweet

Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por Clear, 30 de Octubre de 2021. Respuestas: 0 | Visitas: 265

  1. Clear

    Clear Poeta fiel al portal

    Se incorporó:
    6 de Marzo de 2015
    Me gusta recibidos:
    And you come back with sweet..,
    Eveything apears to change,
    Maybe we had another day...
    never look the same.

    This was magicical nicely,
    How can be so beautiful and magic?

    After my eyes lost in your Word...
    Trying understand...,
    Your different World...,
    How you can change 1 day...
    The silence...
    Quite in a Palace,
    In me...

    Something make believe that you and me
    Was real...
    Something make belive,
    that you and me,
    we can believe in this World,
    that you talk...
    that my eyes can see...

    Just remember...
    "The magical silence..."
    Was well?
    This thinking was mine...
    my magical silence...

    (I listened Ángel Sara Mack)
    Última modificación: 30 de Octubre de 2021
    A Gustavo Cervantes le gusta esto.

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